Door closer can hold on to an angle of 90 degrees.
No need of a door stopper.
This door closer is for doors up to 70 kgs Max.
Door Size Upto 1200 mm Max.
Suitable for any door with push/pull and right/left hand.
This door closer is filled up with gas, so no worries of oil leakage and the appearance of oil contamination.
The max angle allowed to open the door is 117 degrees.
Strength when opening is 4-4.5 kg for small doors and the tension will be reduced as the size of the door gets increases for 1000 mm doors for will be around 25-30 newtons.
Its speed is adjusted after opening the door to 45 degrees with slightly tightening or loosing the screw.
The door closer tension can be adjusted by L-key screw.